Acpclima air conditioning, lighting and everything for the home
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Difference between airtight and atmospheric heaters

Atmospheric heaters:They are designed to expel gases according to their own weight and must be installed in highly ventilated places. For this reason they do not use a fan. Watertight heaters: These heaters have ventilation systems, however, what makes them different from other types of heaters is the way they absorb oxygen to be able to perform their function. operation.The differences between sealed and atmospheric heaters can be several and will always depend on the type of heater you have purchased. All homes do not have the same characteristics; on the market there are currently many types of heaters and capacities that you can choose with the help of a specialist. You must take into account many aspects and know a little about each of them so that you can choose the one that best suits your home and always consult with a qualified installer.Watertight heater :They have a hermetic chamber that allows the user to be safe for many years, they can use any type of gas that exists on the market. To carry out the combustion process, they take air from the environment and have a double pipe to both expel and absorb. Any type of installation or service must be carried out at all times by an expert. Why should I choose waterproof heaters? They are closed and very safe due to the system it has. They use a fan to expel gases that are harmful to health. They can use any type of fuel, natural gas, propane gas or butane gas.Very efficient at the time of their function, they remain stable until the water temperature is reached. sanitary hot.


Here we show you in detail our catalog of articles in the category PHOTOVOLTAIC AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Find the best products in Photovoltaic and renewable energy, aerothermal systems, photovoltaic kits, stoves and boilers and many more. If you can't find what you're looking for, ask from our web form or mobile phone!We have a team of specialists to help you with whatever you need. p>

ACPCLIMA bathroom products

Here we show you in detail our catalog of items in the bathroom categoryShower tray, Faucets, bathroom accessories and bathroom furniture.Find the best products in shower trays, faucets, bathroom accessories and bathroom furniture from the brands Cabel, Tress, Mibsa and many more.You can also find other bathroom accessories.If you can't find what you are looking for, ask from our web form or mobile phone!We have a team of specialists to help you with whatever you need.

What does the ACPCLIMA website offer you secure online shopping

From ACPCLIMA we assure you a quality online purchase of products for the home and office or commercial premises.Here we show you in detail our catalog of articles by category.


In the summer season, homes that have a swimming pool always like to enjoy crystal clear water, in order to have clear and clean water and prevent dust particles, leaves and other elements of dirt such as debris from depositing at the bottom. garden grass, or some insect, the best solution is a robotic pool cleaner.If your pool has a treatment plant, you will surely have accessories for manual cleaning of the bottom. Like everything in life, you are always looking for solutions to avoid having to clean manually due to the workload that it entails. If you are tired of having to use the pool cleaner and you no longer want to continue wasting your valuable time on this task, your best ally is a robotic pool cleaner.

New energy labeling

The simplification of the energy label for household appliances, returning to the initial scale from A to G is already a reality. Since March 1, 2021, it is already mandatory for household appliances to incorporate the new energy scale, although in recent months many of the users who have bought a new washing machine, washer-dryer, refrigerator or screens (televisions or monitors) have already been able to see on the packaging the new label, living with the previous one.


The aerothermal is a system that is booming for many reasons, but the main reasons for you to install aerothermal in your home or premises are:

Daikin promotion

With the arrival of spring it is synonymous with rises in temperatures and the moment to start preparing for the heat. For this reason, the Daikin brand has prepared a particular promotion "Renew yourself with Daikin". If you need to purchase new equipment for your facilities, this spring it will be easier than ever thanks to Daikin.External source: https://www.daikin .es/es_es/renuevate.html

Royal Decree that will force the installation of charging points for electric cars in Spain by law

The Government published Royal Decree-Law 29/2021, to adopt urgent measures in the energy field to promote electric mobility, self-consumption and the deployment of renewable energies. Spain is considered one of the countries at the tail end of the "race" for electric cars and charging points. The first quarter of the year closed in Spain with a total of 14,244 public access charging points, far from the 45,000 that are considered necessary for this year to meet European requirements.

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